Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Where is the money?
                                      Who took it?

                                                 Since it was all digital dollars and those who authorized their so-called printing can't locate them ( eh, hmm, that would be you and me, folks) ...awkward...

              So maybe a better question is:
                         Isn't this really the largest counterfeit operation in the
                 worlds history rather than the largest robbery? Kinda?

In reality, of course, almost all of the "money" was actually in the form of gold...which is what was under Tower Seven of the Trade Center complex, not cash or digital dollars.  Just like the gold that organizations like the Golden Lily stole out of Asia and stashed in the Philippines during WWII and laundered through organizations like the Black Eagle Trust...

A similar campaign took place in Europe during the same period.  They were like,

"Well we're here we might as well loot the place..."

Then, of course, that wasn't good enough because they set about absorbing the world's remaining gold from the nations of the Earth under the guise of the Bank of International Settlements and its fraudulent claims of security.

"Give us your gold and we'll keep it safe," they said.  "We'll give you credit in fiat when you need it and you can get your gold back in 30 or 60 years or whatever, come on, everybody's doing it!"

Claims that nearly every country fell for and later came to regret.  Not ONE has seen their gold since. Only colorful hyper-inflated toilet paper with portraits of dudes on it.  Then, of course, that wasn't good enough either, because they are STILL ripping us off as we speak!

"We took the gold, so you might as well give us the mostly worthless paper money, too...and what's this?  Ah, little useless numbers in a computer, well, let's have those it now, hand 'em over nice and easy, we don't want anyone to get hurt...don't make us call you a terrorist and sick the rotties on ya..."  WTF?

Technically, those dollars never existed to us, we never saw a penny, and since they're no longer available to the population at large, couldn't we just print different monopoly money so we could tell when they tried to cash in their gold?  When they show up with big piles of gold be like,

 "Ah hah!  You said that sh** didn't exist, but we still have our $950 Billion so where did THAT come from?  Cuff 'em boys!"

Only print as much as they "say" is available in gold and then they can't cash in their illicit, MUCH LARGER, amount of gold without exceeding the total world currency and it being obvious.  Like telling your starving roommates you only have a hundred bucks for rent and then showing up with a new ten thousand dollar sofa bullsh** on their a**es.

We could burn greenbacks to power the printing press to offset the expenses.  Make sure that only the number of bills which can be accounted for are printed, exchange them for only those bills, and then not exchange them for any of our previous currency or massive amounts of gold?

When mines around the world start reporting 20 times their previous production rates we will know who the a**holes are, won't we?

They could slip a few million through maybe, but not trillions and trillions.  Not if we only printed the 950 billion we can account for directly...

We could say,

 "oh, those, no we don't take those anymore.  Someone stole most of them.  We use these orange ones around here, now.  But you can put those green ones in the box at the back of the kitchen.  Yeah, right there.  We compost them, but only for the lawn 'cause the ink's toxic."

Oh, I don't know, just a thought...   ; )


This blog is in its infancy, so check back frequently, because I will link to all the info about these missing funds, etc, as I come across it and have time.

Please comment and leave links to anything related to Bailout Misappropriation, WWII Gold Crusades, Fraudulent Multi-Trillion Dollar Bond Issuances, Etc.  For example:

The 911 meetings that were "coincidentally" scheduled for EXACTLY when the missiles, er, planes, hit the big targets, er, Twin Towers and, uh, "accidentally" hit that exact part of the building, killing everyone who had a paper trail about trillions of dollars in budget and accounting inequities.

You know, that kinda stuff.  I want to tie this into as much of the info as possible so this blog can be a forum for discussion and also a big bookmark to all the best info on this topic smashed into one spot.

Let's be:
                           "The all-knowing, all-seeing, crap of the world!"

Like we can,
Instead of:

                             "The ignorant, blind, world turd!"

They are trying to make us. {; -)

1 comment:

  1. Here's an 80 page white paper recently released by on Fear and CyberPrivacy Issues. I haven't checked it out yet, too tired to dig into an 80 page paper before bed...

    Adam Thierer:

    "I’m pleased to report that the Mercatus Center at George Mason University has just released my huge new white paper, “Technopanics, Threat Inflation, and the Danger of an Information Technology Precautionary Principle.” I’ve been working on this paper for a long time and look forward to finding it a home in a law journal some time soon. This 80-page paper can be found at the link below."
